Grade Appeal Policy

The process by which a student may appeal a grade received in a course at MMI Academy is as follows:
  • The student must request that the instructor review the assigned grade with the student before a formal appeal is launched. This request must be received by the instructor, in writing, within five business days of the student’s grade being finalized.
  • The instructor must discuss the matter with the student and confirm his/her decision to the student, in writing, within five business days subsequent to receiving the request for an informal review. Should the matter take longer than five business days (for example, due to the time required to co-ordinate a meeting or discussion), the instructor is to notify the student of an extension, in writing, and specify a date by which this review step will be completed.
  • In the event that the matter is not resolved informally with the instructor, the student may request a review by the Senior Educational Administrator (SEA). This request must be received by the SEA, in writing, within five business days of the student’s receipt of the instructor’s written decision, per previous step.
  • The SEA must discuss the issue with the student and instructor(s) in an attempt to reach resolution. The decision of the SEA shall normally be given in writing to the student not later than 10 business days subsequent to receiving the request for an informal review. Should the matter take longer than 10 business days, the SEA is to advise the student, in writing, that an extension is required. Should the SEA determine that the final grade should not be changed, an explanation and rationale for the decision is to be provided to the student.
  • If the student was not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal, the student can seek advice from an external independent advisor at their own cost to review and opine formally within 15 days. The student should submit resume and credentials of the independent reviewer for the SEA approval in writing prior to proceeding with the the external review. The independent reviewer should send a copy of their review comments directly to the SEA.
  • The SEA will review the independent advisor’s comments and respond the student in 5 days with either of the following outcome:
    • Accept the independent reviewer’s comments; or 
    • Reject the independent reviewer’s comments.
  • If the student was still not satisfied with the outcome, the student can consult with PTIB advisors or an attorney at their own cost.