Respectful And Fair Treatment Of Students

  • Bullying Bullying is a form of harassment and is when a person or group of people misuse power in a relationship to repeatedly and intentionally harm others. The outcome is the victim feels distressed, less powerful or helpless and there is a risk to their wellbeing. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or cyber harassment, or social exclusion or intimidation.
  • Harassment Harassment is perceived or actual unwelcomed conduct that humiliates, offends, or intimidates people. Harassment is bullying conduct that is neither appropriate nor relevant to a situation. This includes words, as well as acts, pictures, and images that create a hostile or threatening atmosphere. Behaviours that can be considered harassment include: verbal abuse; offensive gestures; ignoring or segregating a person or group. The effect of harassment is to make a person feel insulted, offended, intimidated and unable to perform a task effectively or, ultimately safely.
  • Sexual Harassment
    Sexual harassment is unwanted or unwelcome sexual behaviour, whether verbal, physical or electronically communicated which makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. Behaviours that can be considered sexual harassment include: staring or leering; unnecessary familiarity, such as deliberately brushing up against a person or unwelcome touching; suggestive comments or jokes; insults or taunts of a sexual nature; intrusive questions or statements about a student’s personal life; displaying screen savers of a sexual nature; sending sexually explicit emails or text messages; inappropriate advances on social networking sites; accessing sexually explicit internet sites; requests for sex or repeated unwanted requests to go out on dates; behavior that may also be considered to be an offence under criminal law, such as physical assault, indecent exposure, sexual assault, stalking or obscene communications. Sexual harassment is not interaction, flirtation or friendship which is mutual or consensual. It is not mutual attraction or friendship.
  • Discrimination
    Discrimination in student education occurs when a student is denied a benefit, or the equal opportunity outlined above, or treated less favorably than another student, on the grounds of a personal characteristic or attributes (e.g. race, gender, religion, disability etc.). Discrimination can be either direct or indirect. Direct discrimination occurs when unlawful distinctions are made between individual students and student groups based on any of the discriminatory grounds. Indirect discrimination occurs when a seemingly harmless policy, rule or practice has a discriminatory effect on an individual student or student group.
    The following discriminatory grounds: age; breastfeeding; career status; family responsibilities; impairment/disability (past, present or future); industrial activity; lawful political belief or activity; lawful religious belief or activity; lawful sexual activity; marital status; parental status; physical features; pregnancy or potential pregnancy; race, color, nationality, ethnic or national origin; sex; personal association with a person identified by reference to one of the above attributes.
If under any circumstances, a prohibited activity occurs, the following outlines the process for addressing the activity:
MMI Academy does not tolerate any form of prohibited activities and students who believe they are subject to bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination should initially discuss their concerns with the perpetrator if appropriate and safe to do so or discuss their concerns with the Academy staff. Students can also file a complaint. It is MMI Academy’s responsibility to ensure that unlawful discrimination and harassment does not occur. If it does occur, the allegation will be investigated in a sympathetic, fair, confidential and in a timely manner; and,
  • MMI Academy will take all reasonable steps to ensure there is no retaliation towards students who have voiced a discrimination or harassment complaint. All staff have a role and obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure that the educational environment is free from discrimination and harassment for students.
  • All MMI Academy staff have a responsibility to take appropriate action if concerns about discrimination and harassment are brought to their attention by a student or are personally witnessed.
  • MMI Academy staff will ensure they do not engage in discriminatory or harassing behaviour towards students themselves and there can be no retaliation against anyone for making a discrimination or harassment complaint. Any staff member found to be engaging in such behaviour may be subject to consequential disciplinary action both by MMI Academy and through legal avenues (cost to be adhered by the staff in question).
MMI Academy requires all students to behave responsibly by complying with this policy and to report unacceptable behaviour. All students must ensure they do not engage in discriminatory or harassing behaviour towards other students or staff members and may be subject to consequential disciplinary action both by MMI Academy and legal avenues. If under any circumstances, a prohibited activity occurs, the SEA meets with the accused student to discuss the issue. Based on the meeting any of the following may be done:
  • MMI Academy closes the file and informs all parties involved if it decides that the student did not commit the prohibited act.OR
  • MMI Academy may let the student continue classes pending further investigation.OR
  • The student may be given a written warning regarding the conduct.OR
  • The student can face immediate suspension or dismissal.
If a student informs MMI Academy of allegations of harassment or discrimination that involves persons who are not staff members or students of MMI Academy, MMI Academy will consider the appropriateness of MMI Academy’s intervening or assisting. The decision to intervene or assist will be made by the Senior Educational Administrator (SEA) after consultation with external consultants.