Student Enrolment Contract ‐ Approved Program

MMI Academy is interim designated by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB)

First Name is Required
Middle Name is Required
Last Name is Required
Usual First Name is Required
Personal Education Number is Required
Mailing Address is Required
Student Telephone Number is Required
Email Address is Required
Citizenship is Required
Date of Birth is Required
Gender Required

Voluntary Disclosure

You may voluntarily provide the personal information listed below:

Program Information

Program Title is Required
Hours of instruction during contract term is Required
Program Duration in Weeks is Required
Program Duration in Weeks is Required

Student Declaration

I consent to the Institution sharing my personal information with the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training for research purposes and statistical analysis under the authority of sections 6(2)(a) and 10(1)(a) of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA).

I consent to the sharing, in accordance with Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between MMI Academy and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program.

Should you have any questions about the collection, disclosure and use of personal information you may contact: Director, Policy and Institution Certification, Private Training Institutions Branch, Governance, Legislation and Corporate Planning Division, Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training, 203 -- 1155 W. Pender St, Vancouver, BC V6E 2P4 or by telephone at (604 569-0019).

Use your cursor or finger to draw on the signature box.

Please provide your digital signature
Date Signed is Required
Please select terms and conditions