Student Enrolment Contract Approved Program Checklist

Use the following checklist if you are creating a student enrolment contract for an approved program that begins on or after September 1, 2021 and is not an employer-provided program.

For programs that do not require approval, please see the Student Enrolment Contract – Program that Does Not Require Approval – Sample.

Why use the checklist?

When completed, the checklist will ensure all required components of the contract have been included and will assist PTIB in its review of each contract submitted.

How to use the checklist?

The checklist should be marked to show the page numbers on which each item listed below appears in the accompanying student enrolment contract. The student enrolment contract should then be marked to correspond to the item numbers on the checklist. The student enrolment contract must include all required items and may include additional items if needed.

What requirements are not included in the checklist?

  • Student enrolment contracts for approved programs must be:
  • written in a clear and comprehensible manner and in at least 10-point type;
  • accurate, in relation to the program being contracted for;
  • for a term no longer than 18 months. If the program is longer than 18 months, a subsequent student enrolment contract can only be signed after 30% of the program’s hours of instruction listed in the original contract have been provided;
  • in compliance with the PTA and associated regulations in respect of fees, payments, and refunds;
  • signed by the institution and each student they enrol, on or before the start date unless the program is employer provided;
  • initialled on all pages of any appended materials that are required in the contract, such as the student statement of rights or program outline, and contracts must be archived in their entirety (including appended materials) as required under PTR 39(1)(b))
  • provided to the student as soon as practicable after being signed.
ItemThings to IncludePage Number
Institution Information
1Full (legal) name and, if different, operating name
2Mailing address, telephone number, email address and, if applicable, fax number for the location where the institution provides the program being contracted for
3Whether the institution holds a registration, interim designation or designation certificate
Student Information
4Full legal name and, if applicable, usual first name
5Personal Education Number, if available
6Mailing address, telephone number and email address
7Mailing address in Canada for international students, if available and different from above
8Whether the student is an international student (though not a contract requirement, this information must be provided in student data reports and is therefore a suggested inclusion)
9Date of birth
11(Optional) Voluntary disclosure: whether student is an Indigenous person and if so, First Nations/ Métis/Inuit; and/or whether student has disability
Program Information
12Program title
13Number of hours of instruction provided during the contract term
14Number of weeks of instruction during the program
15Start and end date of the program or part of the program provided during the contract term
16Credential granted upon completion
17Method of delivery
18Language of instruction
19Required course materials and technological resources not provided, if applicable
20Admission requirements
21Program outline
22Information about the work experience component, if applicable
23Regulator’s requirements for employment in the career occupation, if applicable
Tuition And Fees
24Amount of tuition payable during the contract term
25List of all administrative, application, assessment and course material fees
26List of any other mandatory fees the institution may require a student to pay other than in respect of an approved program
27Method of payment by which the student must pay tuition and other fees
Policies And Signatures
28Tuition refund policy
29This institution is certified by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. Certified institutions must comply with regulatory requirements relating to, among other things, student enrolment contracts, tuition refunds and instructor qualifications. For more information about PTIB, go to
30Statement: “Please be advised that under section 61 of the Private Training Act, the Registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the Registrar’s regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the Registrar for regulatory purposes.
31Statement: “I consent to the sharing, in accordance with applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between [name of institution] and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program.”
32Statement of student rights
33Signature of student or, if under the age of 19, their parent or legal guardian
34Signature of person with legal authority to act on behalf of the institution
35Date signed